Life ....
When not writing more in a blog, as this is an outlet, a 'still to cling to when the distress assails you, melancholy haunting you then something distracts you, or that thought or now that all you had to externalize you said or wrote better .......
You look around and can not find this solution is the problem, we walk on the rubble of our lives, we tread our dreams unattainable, our repressed desires will remain so forever, harden our hearts to face the reality, the soul we lose along the way, perhaps in the designer jeans that do not use more ...
watched helplessly the clock of our lives that spin around without being able to distinguish the background and stop the injustice, cruelty, violence done to our person, our IO and we are still there, motionless .....
We can still survive because we are satisfied to be living survivors of that, a caress, a smile is our stimulant drugs, infuse all our energies to fit the situation in the workplace and download our anxieties about human relationships, we share a life with whom we believe to be the right person, then one day you wake up and no longer recognizes neither she nor you ....
I see an army of zombies who approved the morning have no desire to wake up, go to work because they have to pay the mortgage, the car better ... ask them the last time you saw a flicker of a butterfly on a field lying on the grass staring at a blue sky. Look we approve, make us become like them, you judge with the meter Del'Abe you wear or the car you Scarozza empty, polluting all over the world ....
Not even if no one driving a Porsche, unfortunately, were sufficient to € 100,000 machine to become someone they would be able to all ....
demolish anyone who does not think like us and demolish even those who think like us just because the first thought, fuck off your loved ones just because they are honest with us, we want the hypocrisy, we revel in each day, and we want to continue to do so, we refuse to see the world in the midst of genocide, pedophilia rampant sopprusi the newspapers that a country ruled by a dictatorship disguised as communism does to the detriment of the poor monks, a symbol of a peaceful country constantly in battle, turn your head to the homeless the streets are in indecorous ....
We fight ourselves for the piece of bread only newspaper that we branded him with a jacket, to the detriment of someone else .... alas .....