Terra Madre
Terra Madre is a network created by all those who want to preserve and promote sustainable food production methods in harmony with nature, landscape the tradition. The practice on attention to territory for plant varieties and animal species over the centuries have adapted to different natural environments. Day after day, the family of Mother Earth is expanding, is enhanced to better protect and organize products and local food culture. The Terra Madre food communities to give concrete As the idea of \u200b\u200bSlow Food, based on three concepts: good, clean and giusto.Terra Mother is a project of Slow Food, the result of its growth path, designed to protect, support and give voice to small producers, but also to change the system that is damaging to them, joining forces with all those who - with their daily choices - may influence future policies: consumers, chefs and cooks, schools, research institutions, nongovernmental organizations, associations, youth ... Because only by multiplying local actions with a global vision, you can have a significant impact.
For more information: www.terramadre.org
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